Large Loving

One day last week Norah and I went on a mission - takeout at Chik-Fil-A. For whatever reason, our car ride reminded her of the previous weekend when the two of us had left a family gathering to return to our house and she rode with me.

"Meme, tomorrow I was sad when you took me to your house," says Norah. (She meant a few days ago; she's still getting past, present and future straightened out in her head.)

"Why were you sad darling girl?" I ask.

"Because we left my sweetheart Christian with Mommy Meredith," she explains.

"But Mommy Meredith and Christian followed us to my house, we were only apart for 2 minutes." I reply.

"Oh Meme, it is just so sad to be apart from my sweetheart," she sighs and one little tear rolls down her cheek. I hope she brings me in my wheelchair to the awards ceremony when she wins an Oscar.

Wouldn't it be grand if we had the faith of children, who dare to believe that an enemy is just a friend in disguise - waiting to mature a teeny tiny bit?


The Rise and Fall of Mike


Come Back, Sweetheart!